Imagine you’re a young family and have just moved into your new home in Penrith. The house is ideal – there’s plenty of room, a big back yard and it’s in a welcoming neighborhood – and now you’re looking for childcare. There are many services to choose from so which one do you pick? Convenience is a factor, your life is busy enough already. But you also want a centre that focuses on development and growth. Here are a few things to ask Green Garden Childcare about when scoping out childcare for your family

The First R

Reading is one of the most important activities for a young child. The benefits of reading to children are endless – whether that’s stimulating imaginations, engaging thinking skills or teaching them how to read for themselves. And it’s a must.

Sensory Play

There are many types of play and those with function and purpose are the best. Sensory play is about touch, smell, taste and is one of the foundations for learning about the world and how it works. This is how we nurture all our future scientists. 

Imaginative Play

Leave your child with some random objects and they’ll soon be lost in a world of pirates, dinosaurs or castles. It may seem the easiest activity but it’s also one of the most important for developing their imagination. This furthers intellectual reasoning, literacy skills, their sense of self, and self-esteem.

Cooperative Play

When children start playing together, you can see all the stages coming together. Whether that’s building a puzzle as a group, enjoying an outdoor activity or playing a board game – cooperative play sets are the foundation for building relationships and healthy interaction as your child grows.

Movement Activities

This might sound like another variation on play, but think of it as something more structured, as you might do at your local gym. Obstacle courses, balancing beams or throwing / catching activities all enhance a child’s coordination and motor skills while teaching self-discipline and group dynamics.


We all benefit from music in our lives, our children most of all. Learning nursery rhymes is great for developing memory and recall skills. Musical games also help memory skills while playing with instruments is just good fun. You might even find a prodigy in the family. After all, Mozart was performing to royalty at the age of six!

Creative Art

When children run wild with paint and play-dough the world becomes a delightfully messy, sensory experience. They learn about color, self-expression and develop pre-writing skills. They also learn the importance of tidying up afterward!

Activities like these form the building blocks of your child’s future; they’re foundational skills and every good childcare centre knows how important they are. So if the centre you’re talking to is already promoting them, you’re off to a good start. And if the kids in their care are happily singing a tune, waving their latest artwork and are covered in playground, play-dough and paint, you can be confident they’re thriving.

Check Out Our Blog: Things To know About Family Care